Brenda Apiyo Odongo
Name: Brenda Apiyo Odongo
Position: Technologist
Department: Biological Sciences
School: Pure and Applied Sciences
Contact Address: P.O. Box 6-60100, Embu
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Short Biography
Education Background
Diploma in Applied Biology (KNEC) – Mount Kenya University
Working experience
2013- To date; Technologist University of Embu
- Preparing and overseeing Post graduate and Undergraduate practicals in Microbiology in the following disciplines: Bacteriology, Mycology, Marine microbiology,
- Environmental microbiology, Applied microbiology and Biotechnology, Molecular biology, Basic metabolism, Biochemistry, Mechanisms in microbial pathogenicity and Virology units.
- Training and supervising trainees and interns
- Oversee maintenance/ repairs of Research and Microbiology laboratory
- Maintaining inventories
- In-charge of Laboratory with capacity of more than 50 students.
- Preparing annual procurement plan and procurement exercise of Laboratory equipment
2010-2013; Technologist Egerton University
- Preparing and overseeing Post graduate and Undergraduate practicals in the Department of Zoology in the following disciplines: Water chemistry, General parasitology, Aquatic protozoology, vertebrate anatomy and physiology, applied entomology, Histology, Developmental Biology, General zoology, Lower invertebrates, Higher invertebrates, Population Biology and Animal Behavior,.
2009- 2010 Post Attachment – KALRO Thika
- I was attached in the following Laboratories; Banana tissue culture and Entomopathogenic nematology.
- 2016-up to date; Member Kenya Chemical Society