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Welcome to the Department of Biological Sciences.


Admission requirements
a)    The common regulations for all Master of Science degrees in the University of Embu shall apply.
b)    The general regulations for all Master of Science degrees in the Department of Biological Sciences shall apply.
c)    The following shall be eligible for registration for the Master of Science degree in Biology of Conservation in the Department of Biological sciences.
i)    A holder of at least Second Class Honours (Upper Division) in Biological Sciences having studied Biological sciences as a major or regular subject from University of Embu or its equivalent from a University recognised by the Senate.
ii)    Under exceptional circumstances, at the discretion of the Department, a holder of a Second Class Honours (Lower Division) degree in Biological Sciences having studied Biological sciences as a major or regular subject may be admitted. Such a candidate shall produce evidence of having conducted research or having worked in a relevant area from an institution recognised by the University for a period of at least two years.
iii)    At the discretion of the Department, any other qualifications considered equivalent to i and ii may be considered.

Duration of Study
Two academic years

Expected learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of the program students will:
1.    Be competent to pursue doctoral degrees in Conservation Biology or related areas.
2.    Have gained knowledge and skills that will enable them to work as researchers or academicians in the field of Conservation Biology.
3.    Be able to exploit natural resources in a sustainable manner for the benefit of mankind.

Career prospects
Postgraduates in Biology of Conservation can pursue careers in wildlife management, conservation, natural resources and environmental management.  

Coursework requirements.
A student is required to attend at least two thirds of class attendance to be allowed to sit the final examination.

Duration and Pattern of the Course
i)    The minimum duration of the Master of Science in Biology of Conservation course shall be at least TWO academic years (18 months) from the date of registration.
ii)    No candidate for the degree of Master of Science shall be registered as a full-time student for more than four (4) academic years or as a part-time student for more than five (5) academic years without submitting his thesis, except by permission of the University.
iii)    Master of Science course in Biology of Conservation shall be by course work, examination and thesis.
iv)    In the first year students shall take 10 units which shall be assessed by course-work and examination. A student may take up to two additional units during the first year.
v)    Each unit shall comprise lectures which shall include tutorials, discussions and practicals.  In addition, the students will be required to attend/present Departmental seminars.
vi)    In the second-year students will undertake research, seminar presentation (at least two seminars on their research work) and thesis writing.
vii)    That the departmental regulations for thesis shall apply.

Courses/Unit Distribution for MSc in Biology of Conservation


Unit Title







SZL 515*

Research Methodology


Senate approved

SBZ 545*

Biostatistical Methods


Senate approved

SZL 501

Population Ecology


Senate approved

SZL 502

Community Ecology and Production


Senate approved

SZL 503

Ecosystems of Eastern Africa


Senate approved

SZL 504

Conservation and Management of Biological Resources


Senate approved

SZL 505

Evolution and Behavioral Ecology


Senate approved

SZL 506

Physical Environment: Soil Science & Climatic Studies for Ecologists


Senate approved

SZL 507

Ecological Techniques


Senate approved

SZL 508

Ecological Statistics


Senate approved

SZL 509

General Vertebrate Zoology & Ecological Physiology


Senate approved

SZL 569

Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing


Senate approved

*Core units

Second year


Unit Title


Status/ Remarks





SZL 525



Senate approved


Requirements for graduation
To be considered for the Award of a Master of Science degree in Biology of Conservation
a)    A candidate must have been admitted into the program and taken ten (10) required units. After fulfilling the required 10 units, a student can opt to take two (2) additional units at the discretion of the Department.
b)    A candidate must undertake a research project, submit a written thesis and pass all respective examinations.

Award of Degree
A Master of Science in Biology of Conservation shall be awarded.