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  1. Budambula, V., Ngari, M., Budambula, N. L., Ahmed, A. A., & Were, T. (2024). Nutritional status of people who inject drugs in Coastal Kenya: a cross-sectional study. BMC nutrition, 10(1), 55.


  1. Jelagat, J., Budambula, N. L., Ngari, M., & Budambula, V. (2023). Polydrug Use among Students in a Public University in a Lower Middle-Income Country. BioMed Research International
  2. Nzivo M. M., C.N. Waruhiu,J. M. Kang’ethe, and N. L. M. Budambula (2023). HIV Virologic Failure among Patients with Persistent Low-Level Viremia in Nairobi, Kenya: It Is Time to Review the >1000 Virologic Failure Threshold. BioMed Research International 


  1. Phyllys, K., Ziro, O. W., Kissinger, G., Ngari, M., Budambula, N. L., & Budambula, V. (2022). Poly-drug use among female and male commercial sex workers visiting a drop in centre in Mombasa County, Kenya. PLOS Global Public Health, 2(11), e0001247.
  2. Muli J.K., Neondo J.O., Kamau P.K., Michuki G.N., Odari E. and Budambula N.L.M. (2022).  Genetic diversity and population structure of wild and cultivated Crotalaria species based on genotyping-by-sequencing. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0272955.
  3. Akoth P., H. M. Makonde, N.L.M. Budambula and H. I. Boga (2022).   Morphological and molecular characterisation of termite species in Taita Taveta County, Kenya. Journal of Microbiology Research.
  4. Omire, A., Neondo, J., Budambula, N. L.M., Wangai, L., Ogada, S., and Mweu, C. (2022).  Genetic diversity and population structure of doum palm (Hyphaene compressa) using genotyping by sequencing. Frontiers in Genetics.


  1. Muriuki S.W., M. S. Rengan and N. L. M. Budambula (2021).  Prokaryotic diversity and potentially pathogenic bacteria in vended foods and environmental samples. Annals of Microbiology 71:27
  2. Nzivo M. M.  and N. L.M. Budambula  (2021).  Mutations and Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 Compared to Selected Corona Viruses during the First Six Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review. J Pure Appl Microbiol  15(2):524-533
  3. Muli J.K. , J. O. Neondo , P. K. Kamau , E. Odari and N. L. M. Budambula (2021).  Phenomic characterization of Crotalaria germplasm for crop improvement. CABI Agric Biosci (2021) 2:10


  1. Omire A., N.L.M.  Budambula, J. Neondo, R. Gituru and C. Mweu (2020). Phenotypic diversity of doum palm (Hyphaene compressa), a semi-domesticated palm in the arid and semi-arid regions of Kenya. Scientifica  .
  2. Muli J.K., J O. Neondo, P. K. Kamau and N.L.M. Budambula (2020).  Genetic diversity and use of African indigenous vegetables especially slender leaf.  International Journal of Vegetable Science
  3. Muriuki S. W., J.O Neondo and N. L.M. Budambula (2020). Detection and profiling of antibiotic resistance among culturable bacterial isolates in vended food and soil Samples. International Journal of Microbiology 
  4. Wasonga, M. A., E. E. Arunga, J. O. Neondo, J.K Muli, P.K. Kamau and  N.L.M Budambula (2020). A hybridization technique for orphan legumes: Development of an artificial interspecific pollination protocol for Crotalaria spp. Journal of Crop Improvement 
  5. Mwakha, F., Budambula, N., Neondo, J., Gichimu, B., Odari, E., & Kamau, P. et al. (2020). Witchweed’s Suicidal Germination: Can Slenderleaf Help?. Agronomy, 10(6), 873. doi: 10.3390/agronomy10060873
  6. Omire, A., Neondo, J., Budambula, N., Gituru, R., & Mweu, C. (2020). Hyphaene compressa, an important palm in the arid and semi-arid regions of Kenya. Ethnobotany Research And Applications, 20. doi: 10.32859/era.20.4.1-15
  7. Omire, A., Budambula, N., Kirumbi, L., Langat, H., Kerosi, D., Ochieng, W., & Lwembe, R. (2020). Cervical Dysplasia, Infection, and Phylogeny of Human Papillomavirus in HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Women at a Reproductive Health Clinic in Nairobi, Kenya. Biomed Research International, 2020, 1-10. doi: 10.1155/2020/4945608
  8. Mwakha, F. A., Gichimu, B.M., Neondo, J.O., Kamau, P.K, Odari, E. O., Muli, J. K., Budambula, N.L.M (2020). Agro-Morphological Characterization of Kenyan Slender Leaf (Crotalaria brevidens and C. ochroleuca) Accessions. Hindawi, International Journal of Agronomy Volume 2020, Article ID 2710907, 10 pages


  1. M. M. Nzivo , R. M. Lwembe, E. O. Odari,1 J. M. Kang’ethe, and N. L. M. Budambula (2019). Prevalence and Risk Factors of Human Herpes Virus Type 8
    (HHV-8), Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1), and Syphilis among Female Sex Workers in Malindi, Kenya. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases
    Volume 2019, Article ID 5345161, 8 pages
  2. Gatimbu K.K., Ogada M.J. and Budambula N.L.M. (2019). Environmental efficiency of small-scale tea processors in Kenya: an inverse data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach. Environment Development and sustainability.


  1. Gatimbu K.K., Ogada, M.J. Budambula N.  and S. Kariuki (2018). Environmental sustainability and financial performance of the small‐scale tea processors in Kenya.
  2. Ghilamicael A.M., N. L. M. Budambula, S.E. Anami, T. Mehari and H.I. Boga (2018). Thermotolerant bacteria of biotechnological potential from hot springs in Eritrea. African Journal of Microbiology Research 12(22): 512-524. DOI: 10.5897/AJMR2017.8626.
  3. Muli J. K., N. Budambula, C. Mweu and S. E. Anami (2018). Drought Response in Selected Tropical Inbred Maize Lines and Relative Expression of PARP2 Gene under Limited Water Conditions. Plant 6:8-15. doi: 10.11648/j.plant.20180601.12
  4. Ghilamicael A.M., H.I. Boga, S. E. Anami, T. Mehari and N.L.M. Budambula (2018). Potential human pathogenic bacteria in five hot springs in Eritrea
    revealed by next generation sequencing. PLoS ONE 13(3): e0194554.
  5. Koech C.C., Lwembe R.M., Odari E.O., Budambula N.L.M. (2018).  Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of HTLV/HIV Co-Infection among People who inject Drugs (PWIDs): A Review.  Journal of Human Virology and Retrovirology 6(1): 00188. DOI: 10.15406/jhvrv.2017.06.00188


  1. Nzivo M.M., R. Lwembe, E.O Odari and N.L.M.  Budambula N.L.M (2017). Human Herpes Virus Type 8 among Female-Sex Workers. J Hum Virol Retrovirol 5(6): 00176. DOI: 10.15406/jhvrv.2017.05.00176
  2. Muli J.K., C. Mweu, N. Budambula and S.E. Anami (2017). Yeast Extract Peptone Based Co-cultivation Media Promotes Transient GUS Expression in Tropical Maize Genotypes.  Asian Journal of Crop Science 9:
  3. Ghilamicael A.M., N. L. M. Budambula, S. E. Anami, T. Mehari and H. I. Boga (2017). Evaluation of Prokaryotic Diversity of Five Hot Springs in Eritrea. BMC Microbiology 17:203.
  4. Ghilamicael A.M., H.I. Boga, S. E. Anami, T. Mehari and N.L.M. Budambula (2017).  Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Five Hot Springs in Eritrea. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 7(12): 88-94.
  5. Budambula V. and N. L. M. Budambula (2017). Chasing the Dragon: Drug Use and Abuse. ISBN: 9789966103024


  1. Imbo M.C., N. L. M. Budambula, C.M. Mweu, J. K. Muli and S. E. Anami (2016). Genetic Transformation of Sweet Potato for Improved Tolerance to Stress: A Review.  Advances in Life Science and Technology 49:67-76
  2. Muli J.K., N. L. M. Budambula, C. Mweu, M. C. Imbo and S. E. Anami (2016).  Genetic Improvement of African Maize towards Drought Tolerance: A Review. Advances in Life Science and Technology 48: 1-9.
  3. Muwawa E.M, N. L. M. Budambula, Z. L. Osiemo, H. I. Boga and H.M. Makonde (2016). Isolation and characterization of some gut microbial symbionts from fungus-cultivating termites (Macrotermes and Odontotermesspp). African Journal of Microbiology Research 10:994-1004 DOI: 10.5897/AJMR2016.8060.
  4. Missiani O., J. H. Kimotho, J. Oyugi, F. Okoth, H. Kioko, S. Mining, N. L. M. Budambula, E. Giles, A.Andonov, E.Songok and C.Osiowy (2016).Hepatitis B infection is highly prevalent among patients presenting with jaundice in Kenya. BMC Infectious Diseases 16:101 DOI 10.1186/s12879-016-1409-2


  1. Kerosi D.O., N. L. M. Budambula,   E. Odari, R. Lihana, S. Osman, A. Omire, H. Langat, R. Aman and R. Lwembe. (2015). Human Immunodeficiency Virus -1 and Hepatitis B Virus Co-Infections among Injecting Drug Users in Malindi, Kenya. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 5 (22): 45-50
  2. Kiama C., N. L. M Budambula, S. Okoth, R. Kagali and V. Matiru. (2015). Cultural Characterization of Fungi Isolated From Oil Contaminated Soils. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 5: 16-21
  3. Onchwari R. G.,. Potentially beneficial rhizobacteria associated with banana plants in Juja, Kenya. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 7:181-188
  4. Webale M. K., V. Budambula, R. Lihana, F.O. Musumba, A. K. Nyamache, N. L. M. Budambula, A. A. Ahmed, C. Ouma and T. Were (2015). Hepatitis B virus sero-profiles and genotypes in HIV-1 infected and uninfected injection and Non-injection drug users from coastal Kenya. BMC Infectious Diseases 15:299. DOI 10.1186/s12879-015-1060-3


  1. Odari E.O, N. L. M Budambula and H.Nitschko (2014) .Evaluation of an Antigen-Antibody “Combination” Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Diagnosis of Hepatitis C Virus Infections. Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences 24: 343-352.
  2. Omire A., N. Budambula, W. Ochieng, C. Baliach, D. Kerosi, H. Langat, M.Okemwa, L. Kirumbi, R. Aman, B. Ogutu and R. Lwembe (2014). Assessment of Risk Predisposition to Human Papilloma Virus through Cervical Infections Screening of Women Attending an Outpatient Health Facility in Nairobi, Kenya. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 4: 28-36
  3. Muwawa E. M., H. M. Makonde, N. L. M. Budambula, Z. L. Osiemo and H.I. Boga (2014). Chemical properties associated with guts, soil and nest materials of Odontotermes and Macrotermes species from Kenya.Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 4: 253-263
  4. Odari E. O., S. G. Odhiambo and N. L. M. Budambula (2014). Laboratory surveillance of cholera in Nyanza Province. Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology. 16 (1):79-91.
  5. Njire M. M. , N. L. M. Budambula and Antimicrobial activity of Warbugiaugandensis against Gram-negative Multi-drug resistant bacteria. Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology. 16(2): 45-57


  1. Ogot H. A, H. I Boga, Isolation, characterization and identification of roundup degrading bacteria from the soil and gut of 1:31-38.
  2. Ogot H.A., , M. Tsanuo and D.O.Andika Isolation, characterization and identification of Diazinon degrading bacteria from the soil and gut of Macrotermes Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 3: 70-79.
  3. Ronoh R.C., Isolation and Characterization of Actinobacteria from Lake Magadi, Kenya. African Journal of Microbiology Research 7: 4200-4206.
  4. Kwange S.O., N. L.M. Budambula, M. K. Kiptoo, F. Okoth, M. Oduor, J. M. Ochwoto and J. H. KimothoHepatitis B virus subgenotype A1, occurrence of subgenotypeD4 and S gene mutations among voluntary Blood Donors in Kenya. Virus Genes 47: 448-455


  1. Muhonja C., N. Budambula, J. Kiiru and S. Kariuki. (2012). Characterization of antibiotic resistance in environmental enteric pathogens from Kibera slum in Nairobi-Kenya. Journal of Bacteriology Research 4: 46-54.


  1. Kwange S.O. and N. L. M. Budambula. (2010). Effectiveness of antituberculosis treatment among patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy at Vihiga District Hospital in 2007. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 28: 21-25.


  1. Mwirichia R.K., N. M. Budambula and H.I. Boga (2009). Isolation, characterization and identification of Enterobacteriaceae from well water in Juja Town in Kenya. Journal of Tropical Microbiology and Biotechnology 5:31-36.


  1. Budambula Antibiotic resistance of bacteria isolated from Nairobi River. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Science 8: 9-12.
  2. BudambulaIsolation and characterization of naphthalene utilising bacteria from Nairobi River. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Science. 8: 1-8.
  3. Budambula Metal status of Nairobi River Waters and Bioaccumulation of Metals in LabeoCylindricus. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 169:275-291.


  1. Budambula N.L.M., E.C. Mwachiro, N.M. Gitonga and S. Kariuki (2004).  Isolation of Mercury, Zinc and Cadmium resistant bacteria from Nairobi River. Proceedings of the 2nd Regional Microbiology Conference Recent advances in microbial research and their implications to Health, Agriculture and Environment. Pages 181-190.


  1. Budambula N and P. Wangari. (1998) Proceedings of the International workshop on Women and Desertification. Environmental Liason International Centre.


  1. Budambula N. (1995). Implementing the Desertification Convention: The Kenyan Experience. The Network.


  1. Kinyua D.M and N. L. M Budambula (2013). Antibiotic resistance of metal tolerant bacteria isolated from soil in Juja, Kenya. JKUAT Scientific, Technological and Industrialization Conference November
  2. Njire M.M., N. L. M. Budambula and J.N. Kiiru (2010). Antimicrobial effects of selected herbal extracts on Multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacterial strains. Proceedings of the 2010 JKUAT Scientific, Technological and Industrialization Conference. Pages 131-138
  3. Ndegwa D.W, Wahiu F. W. and N. L. M. Budambula (2007). Characterization of bacterial contaminants in milk hawked at Kahawa West. Proceedings of the 2007 JKUAT Scientific, Technological and Industrialization Conference.Pages 292-302.
  4. Nzau B., S. Kariuki and N. L. M .Budambula (2007). Antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella enterica serotype typhimurium and Salmonella enterica serotype enteritids. Proceedings of the 2007 JKUAT Scientific, Technological and Industrialization Conference. Pages 227-233.

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Department of Biological Sciences