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 Prof. Eucharia Unoma Kenya



  1. Kenya, E., Kinyanjui, G., Kipnyargis, A., Kinyua, F., Mwangi, M., Khamis, F., & Mwirichia, R. (2022). Amplicon-based assessment of bacterial diversity and community structure in three tropical forest soils in Kenya. Heliyon, e11577.


  1. Nthiwa D., Bett B., Odongo D., Kenya E., et al (2020). Seroprevalence of foot-and-mouth disease virus in cattle herds raised in Maasai Mara ecosystem in Kenya. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 176 (2020) 104929.


  1. Nthiwa, D. M., Alonso, S., Odongo, D., Kenya, E., Bett, B. (2019) Zoonotic Pathogen Seroprevalence in Cattle in a Wildlife–Livestock Interface, Kenya. EcoHealth ISSN 1612-9202. DOI 10.1007/s10393-019-01453-z
  2. Nthiwa, D. M., Alonso, S., Odongo, D., Kenya, E., Bett, B. (2019) A participatory epidemiological study of major cattle diseases amongst Maasai pastoralists living in wildlife-livestock interfaces in Maasai Mara, Kenya. Trop Anim Health Prod .


  1. Kinyanjui, G., Khamis, F. M.; Ombura, F. L. O., Kenya, E. U., Ekesi, S., Mohamed, S. A. (2018) Infestation Levels and Molecular Identifcation Based on Mitochondrial COI Barcode Region of Five Invasive Gelechiidae Pest Species in Kenya. Journal of Economic Entomology, XX(XX), 2018, 1–11
  2. Kipnyargis, A.C., Khamis, F.M. Kenya, E. U., Ekesi, S. & Fiaboe, K.K.M. (2018) Genetic diversity of aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) species attacking amaranth and nightshades in different agro-ecological zones of Kenya and Tanzania African Entomology 26(2): 407–421 (2018) DOI:  ISSN 1021-3589 [Print]; 2224-8854 [Online]
  3. Nthakanio N.P. and Kenya, E. U. (2018). Role of Latent Local Technologies and Innovations to Catapult Development in Kenya. In Decolonial Pedagogy; Examining Sites of Resistance Resurgence and Renewal by Wane N.N and Todd K. L (Eds).  ISBN 978-3-030-01538-1 ISBN 978-3-030-01539-8 (eBook) . Palgrave Macmillan Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


  1. Okun D.O, F. M. Khamis, G. M Muluvi, J. J Ngeranwa, F. O Ombura, M. O Yongo and Kenya, E. U. (Distribution of indigenous strains of atoxigenic and toxigenic Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus in maize and peanuts agro-ecological zones of Kenya Agriculture & Food Security 4:14


  1. Abubakar, L.U., Mutie, A.M., Kenya, E.U. and Muhoho, A. (2012). Characterization of Algae oil (oilgae) and its potential as biofuel in Kenya. Appl. J. Phytotechnology in Environ. Sanitation. 1 (4):147-153.
  2. Kaduka L., Y.Kombe, Kenya, E. U., E. Kuria, J.K. Bore, Z. N. Bukania and M. Mwangi (2012). Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrom among an Urban Population in Kenya. J. Diabetes Care, 35(4):887 – 893.


  1. Onyango A.O., Kenya, E. U., J.J. Mbithi and M.O. Ng’ayo. (2009). Pathogenic Escherichia coli and food handlers in luxury hotels in Nairobi, Kenya. J. Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases, 7: 359 –366. (Available online at
  2. Mireji P.O., J. Keating, A. Hassanali, D.E. Impoinvil, C. M. Mbogo, M. N. Muturi, H. Nyambaka, Kenya, E. U., J. I. Githure and J. C. Beier. (2009). Expression of metallothionein and tubulin in heavy metal-tolerant Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (Diptera:Culicidae). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 73:46 – 50 (Available online at ).
  3. Kihara J.H., E. N.M. Njagi, Kenya, E. U., M. T. Mwanje, A. E. Odek, G. Van Dam, A. I. Kahama, J. H. Ouma. (2009).Urinary soluble egg antigen levels in Schistosoma haematobium infection in relation to sex and age of Kenyan schoolchildren following praziquantel treatment. : 103, 1024—1030.


  1. J. Kagai, S. Mpoke, R. Manohar and Kenya, E. U. (2008). Diagnosis of Wuchereria Bancrofti Infection in Kenya: The potential Application of a Molecular Urine Diagnosis.  J. Nature Conservation, Vol 20 (2): 327 – 336.
  2. Ambundo T., J. O. Oundo, R. Manohar, J, Mbithi and Kenya, E. U. (2008).  Impregnated dry Filter paper as an Alternative medium for Transporting Diarrhoeal Stool Samples.  J. Nature Conservation, Vol 20 (2): 281 – 291.
  3. Kenya, E. U. (2008). Ch4: Biosecurity: Engaging Scientists in Biosecurity – An African Perspectiveies.  In ‘Promoting Biosafety and Biosecurity within the Life Sciences” (Reviewed by Andrew Kigundu, CelestinoObua, David Franz, MiphMusoke, Rachel Chikwamba and EmmaunelleTuerlings ) Pages 107 – 112
  4. Fathiya K.,  Karam, N.,  Guglielmino, C,  Ekesi, S.,  Masiga, D.,  De Meyer, M.,  Kenya, E. U., Malacrida, A.  (2008). Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the newly discovered invasive fruit fly pest in Africa, Bacterocera invadens (Diptera: Tephritidae).  Molecular EcologyResources Vol 8 (6): 1509 - 1511.
  5. Sengooba T., R. Grumet, J. Hancock, B. Zawedde, L. Kitandu, C. Weebadde, M.V Karembu, Kenya, E. U., K. Meredia, P. Nampala, J. Ochanda, H. Quemada and     M.  Rubindamayugi. (2008). Biosafety Education Relevant to Genetically Engineered Crops for Academic and non-Academic Stakeholders in East Africa, Electronic Journal of Biotechnology.
  6. Kagai, J. M., Mpoke, S., Hamburger, J. H., Muli, F. W., Kenya, E. U. (2008). Application of a molecular technique utilizing sputum for detecting Wuchereria bancrofti infection in Mpirani, Malindi District, Kenya, East African Medical J. Vol 85 (3): 28 – 33.
  7. D. O. Okun, D. O., Kenya, E. U., Oballa P. O., Odee, D. W. And G. M. Muluvi (2008).Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Eucalyptus grandis (Hill ex Maiden) Seed Sources Using ISSR Molecular Makers. A. J. of Biotechnology, Vol. 7 (13): 2119-2123.  Available online  at .
  8. Odek A.E, Kenya, E. U., M. T.Mwanje, C.M. Reimert, J. H. Kihara, B, J. Vennervld, J.H. Oumaand R R. Sharma. (2008). A comparative study of eosinophiluria in single and mixed Schistosomiasis infection in Kenyan School Children.  J. Nature Conservation, Vol 20 (1):81 – 96.
  9. M. W.Burugu, B. N. Mbatia, E. O. Osir, Kenya, E. U. And L. U. Abubakar.  (2008). The Glossina proteolytic lectin (Gpl) gene isexpressed only in members of Glossina species. International Journal of Insect Science, Vol 27 (3/4):145-151.


  1. Kenya, E. U., E. Osir, J.Kabii and S. Rekha. (2007).Efficacy and Compatibility of Fungi, Neem and Commercial Acaricide as Control Agents for Ticks.  Journal of Nature Conservation,Vol 19 (2):321-331.
  2. Mwangi, E.M. and Kenya, E. U. (2007).Ch 20 - Overview of Principles and Applications of Environmental Risk Assessment. In Environment and Sustainable Development: A Guide for Higher Education in Kenya Vol II. School of Environmental Studies and Human Sciences. (Edited by Waswa, F., Otor, S.,Olukoye, G. and Mugendi, D.) Pages 335 – 348


  1. Mireji, P., Keating, J., Kenya, E. U., Mbogo. C., Nyambaka, H., Osir, E., Githeru, J. And Beier, J. (2006). Differential Induction of Proteins in Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto (Diptera: Cullicidae) Larvae in Response to Heavy Metals selection. International J. of Tropical Insect Science 26 (4): 214-226 .
  2. Kenya, E. U., Okun, D. O., Gachuche, D. N., Abdulahi, A., Abubakar, L. U. And R. Manohar (2006). Detection and Presumptive Identification of Clostridium perfringes in Drinking Water. Aquaculture 7 (1): 27 – 36


  1. Ng’ayo, M. O., Njiru, Z. K., Kenya, E. U., Muluvi, G. M., Osir, E. O. And Masiga, D. K. (2005). Detection of trypanosomes in small ruminants and pigs in western Kenya: Important reservoirs in the epidemiology of sleeping sickness. J. Kinetoplasid Biology and Disease, 4 (5): 18 – 24. (


  1. Kenya, E.U., Osir, E.O. and Imbuga, M.I. (2004). Effect of Bacillus thuringiensis bdelta-endotoxin on partially purified midgut ATPase from thebtsetse fly Glossina morsitans centralis. Journal of Nature Conservation, 16 (2): 235 - 241


  1. Kenya, E.U (1995). Mechanisms for Selective Toxicity of Locally Isolated strains of Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner). Ph thesis. University of Science& Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. 176 pages


  1. Osir, E.O., Magoma, G.N., Vundla, M.W. And Kenya, E.U. (1993). Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxins active against Chilo partellus and Glossina morsitans morsitans in Management of Insect Pests: Nuclear and related molecular and genetic techniques. IAEA, 513-522.


  1. Kenya, E. U.. And Nwaorgu, O.C. (1988). Urinary Schistosomiasis in two family populations, using school children as tracers. Nig, J. Parasitol., 9-11:14-26.


  1. Nwaorgu, O.C. and Kenya, E. U. (1992). The diagnostic value of haematuria and proteinuria in Schistosoma haematobium infection in Southern Nigeria. J. Helminthol., 66:177-185.

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