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Dr Sarah Naulikha Kituyi Publications

American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) 2024 conference papers


  1. Sarah Naulikha Kituyi, Quiying Cheng, Clinton Onyango, Ivy Hurwitz, Beauty Kolade, Philip Seidenberg, Christophe Lambert, Benjamin Mcmahon, Kristan Schneider, Ananias Escalante, Samuel Anyona, Collins Ouma, Douglas J. Perkins; Upregulation of Gene Transcripts for Seven Critical Plasmodium falciparum Glycolytic Enzymes in Pediatric Severe Malarial Anemia: ASTMH 2024 , Nov 13- 17 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Abstract No7272  13140/RG.2.2.30730.48326/1
  2. Qiuying Cheng, Clinton Onyango, Samuel B. Anyona, Ivy Hurwitz, Evans Raballah, Sharley A. Wasena, Sarah Kituyi, Shamim W. Osata, Philip D. Seidenberg, Collins Ouma, Kristan A. Schneider, Benjamin H. McMahon, Douglas J. Perkins; Heme and Hemoglobin Scavenging Deficiencies in Pediatric Severe Malarial Anemia-- Insights from Plasma Proteomics: ASTMH 2024 , Nov 13- 17 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Abstract No7273 10.13140/RG.2.2.33502.65606/1
  3. Clinton O. Onyango, Qiuying Cheng, Samuel B. Anyona, Ivy Hurwitz, Sarah Kituyi, Evans Raballah, Beauty Kolade, Philip D. Seidenberg, Kristan A. Schneider, Collins Ouma, Ananias A. Escalante, Benjamin H. McMahon, Douglas J. Perkins; Transcriptome Profile of BloodStage Plasmodium falciparum in Children with Severe Malarial Anemia: ASTMH 2024,  Nov 13- 17 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Abstract No7276 10.13140/RG.2.2.30114.44487/1
  4. Beauty A. Kolade, Kristen Wilding, Zena Lapp, Qiuying Cheng, Ivy Hurwitz, Evans Raballah, Clinton O. Onyango, Sarah Kituyi, Samuel B.Anyona, Kristan A Schneider, Ananias A. Escalante, Axl G. Cepeda, Collins Ouma, Benjamin H. McMahon, Douglas J. Perkins; Plasmodium falciparum Gene Signatures of Malaria Disease Severity in Kenyan Children. 10.13140/RG.2.2.35186.93128/1 ASTMH 2024 Nov 13- 17 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Abstract No 7240


  1. Wambugu, E. N., Kimita, G., Kituyi, S. N., Washington, M. A., Masakhwe, C., Mutunga, L. M., ... & Waitumbi, J. N. (2024). Geographic Distribution of Rabies Virus and Genomic Sequence Alignment of Wild and Vaccine Strains, Kenya. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 30(8), 1642.
  2. Joseph G. Amwoma, Sarah Kituyi, Dancan M. Wakoli, Douglas O. Ochora, Gladys Chemwor, Risper Maisiba, Winnie Okore, Benjamin Opot, Dennis Juma, Eric M.O. Muok, Eric C. Garges, Timothy E. Egbo, Franklin N. Nyabuga, Ben Andagalu, Hoseah M. Akala, Comparative analysis of peripheral whole blood transcriptome from asymptomatic carriers reveals upregulation of subsets of surface proteins implicated in Plasmodium falciparum phenotypic plasticity, Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, Volume 37, 2024, 101596, ISSN 2405-5808, (
  3. Wekesa, E. N., Kimani, N. M., Kituyi, S. N., Omosa, L. K., & Santos, C. B. (2023). Therapeutic potential of the genus Zanthoxylum phytochemicals: A theoretical ADME/Tox analysis. South African Journal of Botany, 162, 129-141.
  4. Chebet, D., Musila, F. M., Kituyi, S. N., Muthike, G. M., & Kaigongi, M. M. (2022). Molecular Phylogeny of Selected Kenyan Eucalyptus Species Inferred from MatK, rbcL and TrnL-F Genes and Their Suitability for Power Transmission Poles. Diversity, 14(7), 563.
  5. Muthanje, E. M., Amwoma, J. G., & Kituyi, S. N. (2020). Uncovering disease determinants of Covid-19 through analysis of its molecular evolution. African Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(3), 1-9.
  6. Beckley, S.J.; Hunter, M.C.; Kituyi, S.N.; Wingate, I.; Chakraborty, A.; Schwarz, K.; Makhubu, M.P.; Rousseau, R.P.; Ruck, D.K.; de la Mare, J.-A.; Blatch, G.L.; Edkins, A.L. (2020) STIP1/HOP Regulates the Actin Cytoskeleton through Interactions with Actin and Changes in Actin-Binding Proteins Cofilin and Profilin. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 3152.
  7. Mukavi, J. W., Mayeku, P. W., Nyaga, J. M., & Kituyi, S. N. (2020). In vitro anti-cancer efficacy and phyto-chemical screening of solvent extracts of Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth. Heliyon, 6(7).
  8. Eric M Muthanje, Gathii Kimita, Josphat Nyataya, Winrose Njue, Cyrus Mulili, Julius Mugweru, Beth Mutai, Sarah N Kituyi, John Waitumbi March 2019 dengue fever outbreak at the Kenyan south coast involving dengue virus serotype 3, genotypes III and V. PLOS Global Public Health 2 (3), e0000122 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0000122
  9. Kiplimo D, Mugweru J, Kituyi S, Kipnyargis A, Mwirichia R. Diversity of esterase and lipase producing haloalkaliphilic bacteria from Lake Magadi in Kenya. J Basic Microbiol. 2019;1–12.
  10. Kituyi, S.N., Edkins. L.K. (2018) Hop/STIP1 depletion alters nuclear structure via depletion of nuclear structural protein emerin. ISSN 0006-291X,
  11. Kituyi, S. N et al ., How well do malaria tests correlate with disease severity? Comparison of parasite density in children with mild and severe malaria.Malaria World Journal 2014 5:7
  12. Kituyi, S. N & Adrienne LE .,Hop depletion disrupts nuclear structure by depletion of emerin. Submitted for publication to the BBA- Molecular cell research Journal BBAMCR-17-443.
  13. Clinton G.L. Veale, Weiyang Chenc, Sushil Chaudharyc, Kituyi, S. N , Michelle Isaacs, Heinrich Hoppe, Adrienne L. Edkins, Sandra Combrinck Bewketu Mehari NMR structural elucidation of channaine, an unusual alkaloid from Sceletium tortuosum.Phytochemistry Letters 23 (2018) 189–193
  14. ​Wingate I, Adrienne LE, Kituyi SN & De La Mere JA., Identification of​ Novel Roles of Hop via Proteomic Analysis. Manuscript in preparation for Submission to the Journal of Cell Stress by April 2018
  15. ​Beckley SJ, Kituyi, S. N , Blatch G & Adrienne LE, The Role of Stress Inducible Protein 1 in the Regulation of Actin Dynamics. Manuscript in preparation for Submission to the BBA-Molecular Cell Research Journal by May 2018
  16. Kituyi, S. N.  The role of HOP in Emerin-mediated nuclear structure, Rhodes University, 2017, DOI 10.21504/10962/59230,

Conferences Attended

  1. Sarah Kituyi, Qiuying Cheng, Clinton O. Onyango, Ivy Hurwitz, Beauty Kolade, Philip D. Seidenberg, Kristan A. Schneider, Christophe G. Lamber, Benjamin H. McMahon, Ananias A. Escalante, Samuel B. Anyona, Collins Ouma, Douglas J. Perkins; Comparative Analysis of Plasmodium falciparum Transcriptome Profiles Reveals Upregulation of Heat Shock Proteins and Kinases in Pediatric Severe Malarial Anemia: ASTMH 2023,Oct18-Oct22-2023,Chicago, Illinois USA, Abstract No 6168.pg360.
  2. Qiuying Cheng, Clinton Onyango, Samuel B. Anyona, Ivy Hurwitz, Sarah Kituyi, Evans Raballah, Beauty Kolade, Philip D. Seidenberg, Collins Ouma, Kristan Schneider, Ananias A. Escalante, Benjamin H. McMahon, Douglas J. Perkins, Differential Regulation of Pfmdr2 And Pfk13 Transcripts in Kenyan Children with Severe Malarial Anemia: Potential Impact on Artemisinin based Combination Therapy Responses, ASTMH 2023,Oct18-Oct22-2023,Chicago, Illinois USA, Abstract No 6145.pg354.
  3. Clinton Onyango, Qiuying Cheng, Sarah Kituyi, Samuel B.Anyona, Evans Raballah, Ivy Hurwitz, Beauty Kolade, Philip D.Schneider, Kristan Schneider, Collins Ouma, Ananias Escalante,Benjamin McMahon, Douglas Perkins; Most Abundant Plasmodium falciparum Gene Transcripts in the Blood of Kenyan Children with Acute Malaria. ASTMH 2023, Oct 18- Oct 22 - 2023,Chicago, Illinois USA, Abstract No 6865.pg577.
  4. Perez K. Olewe, Qiuying Cheng, Clinton O. Onyango, Samuel B. Anyona, Ivy J. Hurwitz, Sarah Kituyi, Evans Raballah, Beauty Kolade, Philip D. Seidenberg Kristan A. Schneider, Christophe G. Lamber, Ananias A. Escalante, Collins Ouma, Benjamin H. McMahon, Douglas J. Perkins, Multiple Plasmodium falciparum Early Transcribed Membrane Protein Family Members are Differentially Expressed in Pediatric Patients with Severe Malarial Anemia, ASTMH 2023,Oct18-Oct22 - 2023,Chicago, Illinois USA, Abstract No 7202.pg683.
  5. Clinton O. Onyango, Qiuying Cheng, Clinton O. Onyango, Samuel B. Anyona, Ivy J. Hurwitz, Sarah Kituyi, Evans Raballah, Beauty Kolade, Philip D. Seidenberg Kristan A. Schneider, Christophe G. Lamber, Ananias A. Escalante, Collins Ouma, Benjamin H. McMahon, Douglas J. Perkins, Transcriptome Analysis of Blood-Stage Plasmodium falciparum Reveals Up-Regulated PfHSP70 and Histone Transcripts in Severe Malarial Anemia, ASTMH 2023, Oct18-Oct22 - 2023,Chicago, Illinois USA, Abstract No 6175. Pg363.
  6. Eric Muthanje, Gathii Kimita, Josphat Nyataya, Beth Mutai, Sarah Kituyi, John Waitumbi, Dengue Fever Outbreak at the Kenyan South Coast Involving Serotype 3, Genotypes iii and V, ASTMH 2023, Oct18-Oct22 -2023, Chicago, Illinois USA, Abstract No 5257. Pg78-79.  b). Presented at the KASH-2023 conference 2023  Abstract No 052
  7. Evalyne N. Wambugu, Kimita Gathii, Sarah Kituyi, Michael Washington, Clement Masakhwe, Lucy Mutunga, Gurdeep Jaswant, Thumbi Mwangi, Brian Schaefer, John Waitumbi, Genetic Diversity and Amino Acids Variations at Vaccine Target Sites in Rabies Viruses Collected from Different Host Species in Makueni and Siaya Counties, Kenya, ASTMH 2023, Oct18-Oct22 -2023, Chicago, Illinois USA, Abstract No 5257. Pg78-79. Presented at the KASH-2023 conference 2023 Abstract No 137
  8. Keystone eSymposia meeting on Vaccinology in the Age of Pandemics: Strategies Against COVID-19 & Other Global Threats on June 15-16, 2020.
  9. The 8th international congress on the HSP90 chaperone in Seeon-Bayern Germany-2016

•     The 25th South African Society for Biochemistry and Microbiology (SASMB) conference in East London- 2016
•     The 6th MIM Pan-African Conference on Malaria- 2013-Durban
•    The KEMRI Annual Scientific and Health Conference (KASH-2014)- Nairobi
Professional Membership
•    The South African Society for Biochemistry and Microbiology (SASMB) 2016 to Date
•    The African Society for Laboratory Medicine-2014 to date
Research Collaborations
•    The Biomedical Biotechnology Research Unit (Biobru)-Rhodes University South Africa
•    The US Army Medical Research Unit-Basic Science Laboratory-USAMRD-KEMRI
•    The South Eastern Kenya University-SeKu

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Department of Biological Sciences